Thursday, September 12, 2013

I am steadily learning how to translate my many thoughts into words. There are a few  reasons for me doing this, one is simply a need to sort all the stuff in my mind and try to put it out in a coherent manner for others to see. As well I am curious to see if what I have as a burning to share captures the interest of anyone else out there. There are a couple other more personal reasons for my sharing this way. In time I may shed light on what those reasons are.

From a very young age, there are things about the Universe, and Life that I have always seem to have known. In the process of education, and life itself, it has been interesting to discover that that inherent knowledge has been quite accurate, my challenge has always been trying to bring out what I know and put it into language either verbally, or in writing, and do it in a manner that makes sense. The essence of the things I know manifest itself largely in the direction of spirituality, and some into the "Supernatural." However in recent advances of understanding in Quantum theories, some of that old "supernatural." is now quite natural.

In the process of Spirituality, in the religious sense, coming to know God and to make an attempt in a relationship there has indeed given me some validity and balance to the things I have known. When you go beyond the day to days "isms" of religious practice which in my case is Christianity, and you seek the spiritual relationship side of the religion, you then come into an understanding that is as vast as the universe itself. The spiritual side of God, and our relationship to Him cannot be covered in a few mere paragraphs. All the literature written throughout the ages into present are mere scratches into the surface, and yet as much as it cannot be put into words we have an ability to process and understand within ourselves so much more than what has been written collectively.  This is something I have always been aware of.

Then we have another aspect where spiritual becomes as vast, and often indescribable. This is the place where we all are, alive and on this physical world. There is a quantifiable relationship between our physical world, and the spiritual. The sciences we study each helps provide a means of understanding our spirituality in a corporeal manner. This is why I keep coming back to the Spiritual time and time again.  I keep finding that there is a very real interplay between the spiritual and the physical worlds. While the intercourse between the physical and spiritual is becoming clearer and clearer to me, I am also discovering that while all of this reality is present, we do not need to be aware of any of it in order to have a normal day to day life. While this is indeed true, we have within all of us this great question, essentially "Why?" It is that why that brings us into the presence of spirituality, and the need to quench the thirst of the question.

Ultimately, we have a choice as to what we want to do about it. We all respond, some by not doing anything, others by trying to disprove, and others like myself find that they are consumed by the realities, and some as well want to share this , as I do.

In what seems to be a process of Divine Steering, I've come back to the sciences, my return came in a roundabout way. I stumbled upon a collections of ideas and thoughts known as Chaos Theory, and fractals. Both of which are not followed in regular scientific academics. fractals are now a cute set of pictures for your computer screen, and Chaos theory has since matured into the disciplines of Quantum sciences. It was bumping into those that I came to understanding that our spiritual quests extends into the natural world as well as the spiritual world as exercised in religions and similar practices.

There are things now learned in the Quantum sciences, stuff clearly proven, and reproofed that gives clear validity to the interplay of the Spiritual aspect of our existence. Still yet there are a few other ideas that are waiting to be solidly proven but really open the door to9understanding spirituality, it gives in many cases an empirical body to things that shamans and others over the centuries has already known. One I can easily call up right now is Parallel Universes. Once only useful for a Good Flash Gordon story is not becoming real science.

There's a lot to be shared, and in so many ways. This is why I am doing it.

So for whoever reads this, for the first time, or perhaps you've come back for another peek, this is what I am up to, and why I am going where I am going with all of this, so enjoy, and have a great day in the process.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ancient Places

There are several places in the world that are a wonder, for their age, and their incredible construction. One being the Pyramids in Egypt. There are many other interesting places too. The ruins of Chaco Canyon, the Mayan Pyramids, and so on down the line.

There is one thing that I have always been intrigued by, and that's the fact there are some similarities throughout all of them, not exacting similarities, because each place is it's own wonder, but just enough to make a person stand back a moment and go Hmmm.

In the most recent decades sciences in general are pulling away from the notion that the Ancients simply could not have know how to do this stuff. At least now we have serious speculation, instead of the Phallic Symbol explanation. But what does it all mean, how did they manage to pull off some of those feats of building, as well as the sheer engineering to create monoliths that would outlast its builders by a hundredfold. Also, could we do it again, if we really wanted to?

Sometimes I am drawn to the story of the tower of Babel in Genesis.  A story of the collective intelligence of men, their excess confidence, and their dispersal in separate languages and such to prevent such stuff again. There is nothing in the world of Archaeology that points to such an enormous tower, I don't know if we ever will. But just what if Humans all over the globe were truly in touch with each other,, and easily to boot? If we could find a tangible link that says indeed we were, I think that would be just as incredible as all the sites.  It also makes me wonder just how much knowledge had been gained and lost, and regained again over the years?

Are we at the top of the game as far as knowledge, indeed we have some means that were not present for them, but does that put us on the leader board just yet? Looking at some of this stuff I have a tendency to say perhaps not, at least not in all of it. Obviously we are missing a few things, there has to have been some interesting tech knowledge around to know how to place multiple ton stones in place, and quite precisely too.

There are messages there too, about these places. Messages about ourselves and our technology, messages about our social structures, and where we can go as a result of those things. So many questions, so much wonder. It is likely that there may never be concise answers to many of the questions surrounding these places. The two greatest being the how and why for starting of the civilizations that built them, and their in some cases overnight halt. Perhaps the how and why  for their getting started may not be as important as the how and why for their cessation, and for some devastating and complete collapse. The part I would really like to know is, were they all linked in any way? And if so, how?

The possibilities for the answers are from a simple No, to as far as imagination can carry us on what the answers may be. That's part of the fun, and challenge really, to ponder, and imagine. We keep pondering and imagining enough we may find a few more clues to explain what out Ancients were truly up to.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The BIG Bang!!! Boom!!!!

I am in principle, a subscriber to creationism. I understand very clearly the Logic behind Evolution. And I can see why at present Evolution is so strongly adhered to in the scientific world. But on a personal basis, I watch, most diligently and I do not see evolution happening.  And this is being quite broad minded and objective when I look, it is just not there based on what I am seeing. but this is not my argument, it is simply part of the reason I adhere to creation as the origin of all this marvel we call life, the earth, and the universe.

Now, in the world of empirical data collecting, known as science, one of the arguments used against creationism, along with collective the Bible. Interestingly, where the rift happens is in the argument of the age of the Earth. Some twenty or so thousand years vs. several billion. I know the argument used that Orthodox Creationists use for the time frame argument, that's Biblical based. Now I believe the Bible to be inerrant. But I also think the orthodox may be throwing water in the wind over that argument. It does not take too much to look at something like Geology, gain a basic understanding, and then observe for ones own self, to start understanding that perhaps the thousands of years argument may not be correct, of course, on the same hand Billions of years may not be fully correct either. But if you just watch, and pay attention to the rhythm , and cycles of the earth, see how things progress it is clear that things creep along in a time slower than thousands of years.

 I also adhere to creation as the basis for things happening based on what I am understanding of my world. From what I can see, and from what I have learned, there is just a little too much order and rhythm to things to simply be a random act anywhere along the chain. Granted, random things do indeed happen, just not often enough, or with consistent enough successful progress to fully convince me as of yet on random process being the reason for all this starting and becoming what it is .

Now I want to touch briefly on the Bible. Sooooooo many arguments out there. On line, in books and person to person by the evolution adherents as to the fact they think the Bible falls very short. And if you look into the Bible as any sort of reference for substantial scientific data for the origins of the Earth, and Humankind, you are not going to find it. it is not there, especially directly, and only scant hints indirectly are present. It is not that the Bible is flawed, or that the men who dared to be scribes to the writing of the Bible were uneducated. Rather and sit and hear this carefully, the Bible is not an instrument of science for us to use. The Bible is an instrument for our spiritual welfare, and our relationship with God. So, on the quantitative data realm, the Bible will not be of much use for you, now the Bible is not fully void of quantitative data, what is revealed in such areas is there simply because it is needed for our spiritual needs, and then only simplistically descriptive at best.

I Love Quantum Physics, I love following the latest in Cosmology, and while I have a firm grasp on many of the theories and known facts on both areas of study, I am disappointed to say I am not a scientist in either.....darn it!! One of the things I love about Quantum Physics is that if you really look at what they are discovering, there are many times where they support some of the things that Philosophers, Sages, and men of religion have said about existence since time remembered. As for Cosmology, the Hubble telescope has been the most substantial tool we have used since we as Humans began asking questions, and looking to the sky to understand this thing we call the Universe.
The Hubble has helped reform solid theory regarding the Big Bang Theory. I say reform, because anybody under 45 may not know that the Big Bang Theory first surfaced as a plausible in the late seventies. But because we were not able to really correlate any supporting data for it, it slid into the background. Far enough back, I had thought it had been fully disavowed, never to be reconsidered.

I am not going to go through the full discourse, that explains the process of the big bang from moment zero to present. You have brains, that's your Homework assignment, go forth and learn. What I really enjoy about the current Big Bang Theory, is that when you follow it step by step, and then break out Genesis, WOW!!! In that short sweet multi sentence outline describing Creation, in fantastically picture book format, and believe me the explanation for the all of creation is extremely picture book style, anyway when you take the big bang theory, and follow genesis Both fit together so well it is mind blowing. Don't believe me...not a problem, go forth and seek that yourself, I promise you will not be disappointed.

So , I am a Creationist, however I don't hold to the argument of thousands of years regarding how long creation took place, in my mind it is still happening. The Bible is a bit Quantum Physics quirky when it comes to dealing with time, and  explaining references to time. The most known reference given it the "A day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day." More or less worded that way. Using that quite literal, that reference says simply it took not seven thousand years to create, but six thousand years, God rested on the last thousand years. Using real-time, present day empirical data, the six thousand year argument seems as plausible as saying that the Sky really is green, and it is the grass that is blue. It don't float Jack!! In faith, indeed it is fully plausible. For my very own personal eyes, and I speak in this moment for only me myself and I, In my following in faith I do not see six thousand years. But at the very same time I do not see the multiple of Billion of years either.

Now here is the really fun part, I cannot claim what I have just shared as the absolute, nor can I say that any of the other arguments, for and against as the absolute either. This is because for what I do not know about all the arguments, there is one thing I can say is absolute, scientifically we are still learning, in five years we might stumble on something that radically changes the reality of the age of the planet. While all things that require faith, we simply need to quietly stand in faith, that answer will indeed be given.

Ahh... the drama continues, just as it should. Go forth ye Scientists, seek and learn, Go forth all ye who stand in Faith, pray and fast, seek and learn. The twain may never meet, but they will end up giving strong credence to each other.

Have A Great Day!!!!!

Sprituality/ Reality and spirituality

I woke up today feeling, very uncomfortable, uncomfortable physically, and uncomfortable emotionally. That kind of place where you want to simply return to the bed, and hide under the covers. Hiding under the covers didn't seem appealing either today, it didn't seem especially comfortable there either.

And in that I really didn't feel anything much beyond what I was feeling, and the idea of managing anything was tedious and a chore. Simply, today was just BLAH!!! The best thing about the day was and is that nighttime comes, which means sleeping, and tomorrow comes to replace it.

This is only one facet of reality, and it is these snippets of reality that we must learn to accept when we incorporate spirituality consciously into our life. Usually spirituality is incorporated into our lives in one of three ways. We incorporate it via religious means, it is incorporated as a avenue to better mental health, or as a philosophy. It does not matter what approach you wish to take, all three routes steer you to a place of being that sits outside the shell of everyday life.

Spirituality is not a replacement for everyday life, but it is one incredible enrichment. But if you have a day like I have had today, being spiritual is really not the first thing in mind. And often you will forget altogether that you are trying to be a spiritual person.

This is the reality, if you decide to commit to making it a habit in life in being a spiritual person you will regularly deal with the fact that life and spirituality will have a seemingly oil and water relationship. Even Jesus, as he walked with us as a Man had to deal with this. The most telling in this is his night in the Garden.

Jesus had a serious home court advantage over you and I, so if he had to work with this reality, we will most certainly be wading through it, sometimes moment by moment.

We operate in this life via five senses, everything we do, everything we respond to, and everything that happens to us is filtered through these senses. Once all that input is filtered, we have our world. Spirituality allows us to see that there is a reality, and an existence that is beyond our five sense world. But in order for us to take this in, and to process these facts, we can only take spirituality into ourselves in small, metered doses.

And there are times where spirituality asks us to operate in a manner that seems completely the opposite of the Logic we know. To gain, we must be willing to loose, and so on.

So, smarty pants, what do we do about all that? Huh!?

The answer is, you do not do anything about it. It is something that is not in our capacity to change, we are what we are. And it is just what it is, in order to have a gain over the oil and water seeming relationship, we simply must accept it as it is.

Once you accept that fact, it is important to remember that you should try to avoid falling into the trap of measuring your spiritual progress based on your present perception of the moment. You wake up mad, and the world seems like a pile of animal excrement, and everybody seems to be sub human that day, and you find that you did indeed act like a jerk because of that, well truthfully who would not, on a day like that?  This does not mean you've lost yardage in the spiritual life you're trying to live. The reality is quite the contrary, you've gained much simply by hanging on, and making it through the day without eliminating that jerk in front of you.

We are Human, we will fall short as far as being  benevolent and perfect. Be ok with that, when you understand you missed your personal mark, don't shoot yourself in the head, instead take a few moments and seek to learn about that missing of the mark.

So when you have a day like is ok. It does not mean anything, except that you're Human, and that you are real. And it most certainly does not mean you are a failure, and a waste of Human Life.

Stand strong, behave strongly, even when feeling weak, and you will be strong always.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Spirituality/ The Occult.

The Occult.
The word itself means "Hidden." In the present day understanding as of 2013, it means a blanket label for all those practices that will delve into the realms of darkness, or seem to go that direction, pending what it is you are looking at as an occult practice.  Some areas that fall under the Occult label are Satanism, Wicca, Paganism, Voodoo. Those are the popular things folks like to think of and allow their selves to get the heebie jeebies over when thinking about them. Sometimes things get thrown into the Occult label, mostly because it is not understood, and since it is not understood, and my neighbor form around the corner, who knows my cousin said it was bad, therefore it Must be..right?
Some of those things are Yoga, Meditation, new ageism's, and so on.

Now, for the items that truly belong under this label, they are there for good reason. While many will seek, and try to practice these things, they do so at great cost. The greatest cost is this, they will lead to a severance of your relationship with God. Loose that and you loose everything. Other costs are in the personal spiritual level, health, family, social, and life. Just as many have died for the causes within the Occult as have died for the causes of religion.

In the Occult, the spiritual aspect, in practices and application is identical to non occult spiritual practices and principles. There is the Light, and There will always be the dark. This is the first basic lesson in the study of Spirituality, it is almost a law, much like the law of gravity. What goes up, must come down. What is light, will also be dark.

It is important to recognize, and respect that there is indeed an Occult Practice side of Spirituality;. It is really not healthy to have a blind, unfounded fear of the Occult, and the practices therein. Blind fear will only cause you to run into walls and trip in the dark, and blind fear also brings ignorance, and wrongful actions. None of this you want if you are to seek a healthy spiritual journey.

Just be aware that the Occult, Evil, is real. In this place spirituality operates exactly as it does in the light. There are these specific truths in regards to that fact. In the darkness ( Evil ) there are lies, and half truths. In the Light ( Godliness) there is truth, for us in our physical five sense bodies, there will be many occasions where it becomes a bit of a challenge to discern which is the truth, and which is the lie. There is a physical dynamic that happens when we operate in the spiritual, so in the light of the fact that dark and light are always there, take solace in the knowledge that if you truly seek truth and light, you will find truth and light. On the other hand if you want the darkness, and all it has, then seek and you will find.

While we are on the subject of Good and Evil, occult and non occult. Light and dark, there is an ever growing trend in the youth circles. Youth being rather broad, 4th grade on through college kind of youth, where the writings of one H.P. Lovecraft are all the rave. In the Homage to Cthulu ( I may have misspelled that) One of Lovecraft flagship creations.  Lovecraft was a minor minor author in about the time of Edgar Allan Poe. And in the same literary fashion. Where Poe had managed to gain success, Lovecraft managed to get his stuff published in a handful of articles in a local magazine, and having only a modest following.  But somehow, this author all but forgotten in his time, and in todays world almost unknown, has managed to find a way to tickle the funny bone of those who want to be a rebel without a cause. Lovecraft talks about Demons, and other things in his work, the only merit is that it is all very much fiction, and a lot of is well, junk. Anyone who wants to try to apply Lovecraft to their spiritual walk will end up much like a dog chasing its tail, round and round you go, but nowhere you go. There is one danger in that, eventually the inertia will carry some into other areas of the Occult.

Then there is the wonderful Scientology....Hmm. Not even worth going there..Kabbalah, now that's interesting, it is Jewish Mysticism, but this goes deep, and has a boatload of dark fringes to its practice. It does hold merit for spirituality, but it has some great dangers too. There are areas of Christian Mysticism that are equally as interesting, such as the Gnostics. The followers of Mary Magdalene. And some of the wonderful theories presented in a modern work of literature known as "Angels and Demons."

Then we have the surface irritants, such as the God hates Faggots church. Krishna, and a handful of other in the like.

ALL of this stuff has one common thread, it all has a pathway in Spirituality.  For some of these things, it is very clear what should be avoided. But there are others that are not so clear, for this we should apply the universal salve of study, research, proof and reproof, and study again, and learn how to be discerning, when you do that, it becomes clearer and easier to figure out what is trash, what has value, what is worthy to pursue, and what should be left alone fully.

As for myself personally I am simplistic, I measure it against God. If it is something that has a stamp of approval in His handbook for our souls, The Bible, I will consider it, if it is something that is clearly labeled toxic, dangerous, and God separating, well I leave it alone. And in my personal belief, I admonish anyone else who considers spirituality to do the same measure. It will end up saving one a lot of trouble in life, this I can state from experience.

 But do not be foolishly blind when seeking to be discerning. Here is a simple example.

When Harry potter hit it's crux of popularity, there was a lot of popular outcry that it is Evil incarnate, and it is leading our children straight to hell. And the author most certainly had to have sold her soul to the devil. Well, I have no knowledge as to the merits of the authors spirituality. But I could, before jumping blindly on the devil bandwagon, stop and see just what Harry Potter, and these stories are all about. At this time there were three of the stories out, starting with the first story on through the third.
truth, there is magic in regards to the fact that Harry Potter is to be a Sorcerer, warlock, etc. There is indeed reference to ancient lore, and magic spells etc. In truth in comparable works of fiction, including that from Disney, there was no more than any of the others in that.
In respect to those items, there is a danger of Occult ideas setting root. What I did discover most of all is that the stories are every twelve year old ultimate escape fantasy.  The stories speak of fighting between good and evil, with good overcoming, oppression, and overcoming, and so on. However there was nothing that could be found that would directly tell a child, be a worshipper of evil, rebel against your parents, and do evil. Rather on the contrary. Having researched I was satisfied, and decided to not join the bandwagon and not be found foolish in the long run.

 This is what I mean by not being foolishly blind. If you are going to stand for a cause, know what it is you are going to be standing for. Abraham Lincoln said this simply and truthfully " It is better people think you are a fool, than it is to open your mouth, and remove all doubt."


If you stopped here on this post, there is a good chance there is something to spirituality that beckons some interest within you. Just about everybody will hear the name, but not everybody will ever give serious thought to the subject, not knowingly anyway.

If you have ever looked at the Stars above, or perhaps the dawning of spring and wondered how this is what it is, or sat and wondered where and what you are in relation to this life and world. More simply put, wondered why am I here? If you ever watched the movie "What the Bleep do we know?" and find yourself fascinated. ( A movie I personally recommend, by the way.) Have you tried to understand your relationship to your God? And try to make sense of the seemingly senseless dogma that comes with all that? If you have done any of that and other similar things, then you have been a student into spirituality an were not aware of it.

By  Dictionary definition this is spirituality: " 1. The quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters : the quality or state of being spiritual. " It is also defined this way." 2. Something that in ecclesiastical law belongs to the church or to a cleric as such. 3. Sensitivity or attachment to religious values, 4. The quality or state of being spiritual. "

My life has been a mixture of good and bad, and it is out of that, and a lifelong underlying desire to understand spirituality that I have come to where I am. The discipleship in spirituality comes in two directions, my lifelong belief in God, and then having to really have to take a look into myself in order to understand why I have been doing what  have been doing. It is having to take a real and honest look into myself where the spirit in me is concerned, a brutal, and equally rewarding trek so far. By general definition when looking at the motion of practices in my life I am a Blockhead.

But as of today a blockhead with something useful to share.

I am going to see if I can steer a subject not easily confined, in such a way that all who read this may be touched. I am going to do it may different ways, and through a great  array of subjects. I am not the first to ponder and share, nor am I the least in this subject, and quite fortunately I will never be the last.

It I a hope that I actually find a bit of a following in this post, what I aim to share is useful, and can be of help.

Now for the practical:
1. If you are a skeptic, or a critic, great. I will always keep the ability to post comments open on this avenue of my Blog. My simple request is if you are skeptical, or critical and you post, be respectful, and coherent.

2. What I share is not the Panacea Blog to Spirituality, to be a student into spirituality is much like the scientists who study Cosmology, it is far too broad to put into one single package. You can only examine bits and pieces, then back up for a bit and try to see where it fits in the whole of the universe, much as a Cosmologist does when they try to understand Dark Matter over Light Matter, or why in the Quantum Physics area does all logic and understanding break down and seemingly come to a screeching halt sometimes.

3. Consider what I share, compare what I share and use that which is shown to be relevant to you. Don't worry about what gets left behind, the next person will be able to put that into practical use.

4. Anything that I post, because the subjects I ill be using may not always seem to have anything to do with Spirituality will always be titled with Spirituality for the specific post. Just as this particular post was titled.

5. Have a wonderful day!!  :-)


Friday, September 6, 2013

James David Rhea III

James David Rhea III
Born: December 22, 1940
Died: March 27, 2013

This is my Biological Father, a Man I did not get to know very well personally, but one that has been a significant influence, and enigma to my life. His history concerning me, is pretty much my own, My brothers came into being with just enough separation from that era to theirs, the only crossover between  them is myself.

He has been a person I admired, reviled, wondered about, and from time to time been a bit angry over. What are my memories of our times together are good ones, what I saw was a person I wanted to emulate, and to not disappoint, that last part I do not know if I did or did not, I never shared that part with my heart with him. perhaps I should have. Since I did not, I can wonder from time to time, and carry on.

This is a man who was very artistic, fantastic pieces of art he had created, especially in later years, in direct spite of ravaging Rheumatoid Arthritis, he would create fantastically. I have some artist in myself, but I don't think Id be able to keep up with him.  Family, and Country were cherished things in his heart, and he never wanted to be too far away from either at any given time. From the posts of memories I have read of those who did have him in their lives regularly, indeed his passion on family was deep.

I am often told that I am so very much like Him, by those who have seen and know him. remarkable being that there is the whole of geography, and such that has not allowed a direct transference of personality.

I am not going to be able to share with him what I think and feel now, not that I did that much in the past, the lean to stubborn in both of us was deep enough to keep things that way. But I do know that where he is today, he knows what he is to me, which is many many things, some good and some bad, all very interesting and tangible in my life and world.

And when it is my day to cross that veil, I will get a chance to commune with him once again. That will be a good moment indeed. 

September Already.

September has arrived this year without much fanfare, and for my neck of the woods it is still very much like Summer, the only hints that fall is approaching are the maturing flowerbeds, and slightly cooler mornings. The arrival of the State Fair in a few days, soon to be followed by the Balloon Fiesta and then my 51st Birthday, that's so surprising to me, and a whole other story. These are the only other solid markers that fall is coming.

 September also brings into memory an event in history that permanently changed the way a few things happen in our world, and worldwide, as well as it being a precursor for all the insanity happening at present. God Bless those souls who were sacrificed without ever knowing why they were on that day, indeed, We Shall Never Forget.

Fall has always been a season that brings mixed feelings, I have always held a little bit of disdain for it because it means cold weather, and Winter are quickly following. But there's also a special feeling that I have always enjoyed with this season. An essence, almost Mystical, and Magical to fall. Perhaps it is the progressing crispness to the air, or the smells that are those that belong to this season only. And one smell that is part of this area, the roasting of Chili, now that's a nice smell. When I was abroad as a young Man in the Navy, many of the essences of Fall followed me, except the roasting of Chili, I missed that.

The changing of leaves to their golds and browns. The annuals seeding, and the last of the flowers to come to bloom, these have always been reminders to me of the cycles of life. Birth, growth, then Death. And the promise of renewal thereafter.

As much as I dislike the coming of cold days, the magic of fall has always enchanted me, it's been a season of falling into Love, its also been a season of challenge. And that portal into the season known as September, that middle ground of summer and fall is just the start.  One of the nice things about this year, and this particular Fall season is that it is one of the first in a while, that I truly do not mind seeing come. I believe that is a truly good thing.

This is September for me.

Introduction alo know as "Why My Blog, at all?"

What immediately comes into mind when you first see this image?

That first response from the depth of the gut, before you start reading the words associated with the picture. This Pentagram drawing is that of the Rhythm of Mercury as it is observed in the sky, without telescope, or binoculars.

It is also representative of something more common in association with that image today, a Pentagram, exploited in movies, worn with adoration by those who are Wiccan, and embraced for shock value for any others who wish to make a statement as a result of todays acceptance and understanding of the symbol.

What we do with our first response to the image is the exact same thing we do in our first response with persons we meet. We all carry a catalogue of expected characteristics of a person based on our visual references we have recorded. Many times these responses are valid, many more times these responses are incorrect. Like the Pentagram, we have a value that is deeply vested  in our mind, and it is that value we will respond to.

Admit it or not, we all do it, and  we will always do it. Science attributes this to Survival instincts, Psychological behavior, and such. In the study of Spirituality, it is learned this happens, without needing the scientific explanations. ( They help though.)

Scientifically, we learn that we can temper our knowledge that we will respond this way by learning to manage our behavior in association to these responses. Spiritually, it is the exact manner, know we do it, and learn what to do about it. On both sides of the coin it is as well good to understand the motives as to why, there Spiritual, and Scientific will vary some in the motive department.

This is an interesting way to give Homage to the old saying "Do not judge a book by it's cover." Mainly because our perceptions are often flawed. This does not invalidate the need for such a mechanism on our makeup, nor do I imply that we should ignore what we perceive knowing it is flawed. What I do imply is that we need to understand we are prone to flaw, and instead of thoughtless reaction, we need to learn to evaluate and respond. The latter can be done just as fast as the initial response happened, by the way.

Why bring this up at all?  Good question, mainly it is for the purpose, at this immediate moment of being an introduction to my blog. Albeit, potentially inappropriate, or not needed, doesn't matter, it caught your attention, that is what I wanted. Now that you know, you have read this far, I have your attention. Now that you are informed, you have the simple choice of reading on, or departing this, in search of whatever you wish to find to read.

For those who are staying, I am starting this Blog for a few different reasons. And in truth it starts without planned direction, so for those who are literature purists, knowing I am not planning what I may write, it may be a little uncomfortable for you, simply because I will most likely break all the rules of writing. Especially in the Journalistic sense. I'm not here for the journalistic academics for a Blog, I am here to share Thoughts, Ideas, and to attempt to find a portal in which I bring some order in my own mind. The latter being the more important reason over all.

There is no plan as to what subjective body this Blog may become, for example Political, Religious, Informative, Literary. It will become whatever body it will be as it matures through my entries, and my sharing.  if you are still interested in reading, thank you, your journey will be just as mine, I have no idea what will be around the corner with this, except that it fulfills my need, and gives whoever may read this, something to consider.

Just overcome the Pentagram response each time you start, and there's a chance you may not be disappointed.