Monday, September 9, 2013

The BIG Bang!!! Boom!!!!

I am in principle, a subscriber to creationism. I understand very clearly the Logic behind Evolution. And I can see why at present Evolution is so strongly adhered to in the scientific world. But on a personal basis, I watch, most diligently and I do not see evolution happening.  And this is being quite broad minded and objective when I look, it is just not there based on what I am seeing. but this is not my argument, it is simply part of the reason I adhere to creation as the origin of all this marvel we call life, the earth, and the universe.

Now, in the world of empirical data collecting, known as science, one of the arguments used against creationism, along with collective the Bible. Interestingly, where the rift happens is in the argument of the age of the Earth. Some twenty or so thousand years vs. several billion. I know the argument used that Orthodox Creationists use for the time frame argument, that's Biblical based. Now I believe the Bible to be inerrant. But I also think the orthodox may be throwing water in the wind over that argument. It does not take too much to look at something like Geology, gain a basic understanding, and then observe for ones own self, to start understanding that perhaps the thousands of years argument may not be correct, of course, on the same hand Billions of years may not be fully correct either. But if you just watch, and pay attention to the rhythm , and cycles of the earth, see how things progress it is clear that things creep along in a time slower than thousands of years.

 I also adhere to creation as the basis for things happening based on what I am understanding of my world. From what I can see, and from what I have learned, there is just a little too much order and rhythm to things to simply be a random act anywhere along the chain. Granted, random things do indeed happen, just not often enough, or with consistent enough successful progress to fully convince me as of yet on random process being the reason for all this starting and becoming what it is .

Now I want to touch briefly on the Bible. Sooooooo many arguments out there. On line, in books and person to person by the evolution adherents as to the fact they think the Bible falls very short. And if you look into the Bible as any sort of reference for substantial scientific data for the origins of the Earth, and Humankind, you are not going to find it. it is not there, especially directly, and only scant hints indirectly are present. It is not that the Bible is flawed, or that the men who dared to be scribes to the writing of the Bible were uneducated. Rather and sit and hear this carefully, the Bible is not an instrument of science for us to use. The Bible is an instrument for our spiritual welfare, and our relationship with God. So, on the quantitative data realm, the Bible will not be of much use for you, now the Bible is not fully void of quantitative data, what is revealed in such areas is there simply because it is needed for our spiritual needs, and then only simplistically descriptive at best.

I Love Quantum Physics, I love following the latest in Cosmology, and while I have a firm grasp on many of the theories and known facts on both areas of study, I am disappointed to say I am not a scientist in either.....darn it!! One of the things I love about Quantum Physics is that if you really look at what they are discovering, there are many times where they support some of the things that Philosophers, Sages, and men of religion have said about existence since time remembered. As for Cosmology, the Hubble telescope has been the most substantial tool we have used since we as Humans began asking questions, and looking to the sky to understand this thing we call the Universe.
The Hubble has helped reform solid theory regarding the Big Bang Theory. I say reform, because anybody under 45 may not know that the Big Bang Theory first surfaced as a plausible in the late seventies. But because we were not able to really correlate any supporting data for it, it slid into the background. Far enough back, I had thought it had been fully disavowed, never to be reconsidered.

I am not going to go through the full discourse, that explains the process of the big bang from moment zero to present. You have brains, that's your Homework assignment, go forth and learn. What I really enjoy about the current Big Bang Theory, is that when you follow it step by step, and then break out Genesis, WOW!!! In that short sweet multi sentence outline describing Creation, in fantastically picture book format, and believe me the explanation for the all of creation is extremely picture book style, anyway when you take the big bang theory, and follow genesis Both fit together so well it is mind blowing. Don't believe me...not a problem, go forth and seek that yourself, I promise you will not be disappointed.

So , I am a Creationist, however I don't hold to the argument of thousands of years regarding how long creation took place, in my mind it is still happening. The Bible is a bit Quantum Physics quirky when it comes to dealing with time, and  explaining references to time. The most known reference given it the "A day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day." More or less worded that way. Using that quite literal, that reference says simply it took not seven thousand years to create, but six thousand years, God rested on the last thousand years. Using real-time, present day empirical data, the six thousand year argument seems as plausible as saying that the Sky really is green, and it is the grass that is blue. It don't float Jack!! In faith, indeed it is fully plausible. For my very own personal eyes, and I speak in this moment for only me myself and I, In my following in faith I do not see six thousand years. But at the very same time I do not see the multiple of Billion of years either.

Now here is the really fun part, I cannot claim what I have just shared as the absolute, nor can I say that any of the other arguments, for and against as the absolute either. This is because for what I do not know about all the arguments, there is one thing I can say is absolute, scientifically we are still learning, in five years we might stumble on something that radically changes the reality of the age of the planet. While all things that require faith, we simply need to quietly stand in faith, that answer will indeed be given.

Ahh... the drama continues, just as it should. Go forth ye Scientists, seek and learn, Go forth all ye who stand in Faith, pray and fast, seek and learn. The twain may never meet, but they will end up giving strong credence to each other.

Have A Great Day!!!!!

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